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Stroke Warning Signs: Know it When You See it

February 28, 2012


I’ve recently met a few people, including those who have had a stroke, that did not know how to identify the warning signs of a stroke. Since February is American Heart Month, I thought this would be a good time to share with you a few facts on what stroke is and how to identify […]

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You know what really sucks?

August 8, 2011


This weekend I participated in the MS 150 Best Dam Bike Ride, to raise awareness and money to find a cure for multiple sclerosis (MS).  The event is a fun and unique experience, riding 75 miles each day for two days with around 2,000 other people who have all sorts of stories. There were a […]

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Peas and Carrots: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and A Stiff Neck

July 11, 2011

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An article1 in the The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) recently discussed a possible new hallmark of carpal tunnel syndrome – a stiff neck.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition in which a nerve in the wrist is compressed, causing symptoms of numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand.  It can cause considerable pain and debility […]

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Physical Therapy Helps Manage Back Pain

October 14, 2010


A colleague of mine sent me this article from MSNBC about back surgery.  There were a few statistics in it that were staggering including that 26% of those who have back surgery return to work compared to 67% of those who elect not to have surgery.  One thing that most people don’t realize about back […]

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Concussions Are Glad to Be Taken More Seriously

October 12, 2010


 With Aaron Rodgers out this week with a concussion, I’ve been talking about this topic a little more.  Then, today I received an email to participate in a concussion study at the University of Illinois (I’m posting a link below- if you have had a concussion consider filling it out- they are also giving away […]

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Would you be standing upright if you couldn’t see?

October 8, 2010


“It’s funny how this is so hard when I close my eyes,” the patient says as I stand guard ready at any moment should a sway turn into a fall.  Actually it makes sense.  Our balance relies on input from our eyes, muscles, and inner ear.  When you take one of those three inputs away […]

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Clicking Through “Forced Use”

October 5, 2010


Like most people, I’m right-handed.  So when I switched my mouse yesterday to click using my left hand, naturally it felt well, UNnatural.  Using a mouse with your non-dominant hand is about as frustrating as not being able to buy “You’re the Best” for your ipod unless you buy the entire Karate Kid soundtrack or […]

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